Interview with Angelique Clemens

I’ve known Angelique from way back in my college days. She is a vibrant, outgoing lady with a ton of insight to offer via her debut novel “Can I Borrow Your Skin?” While creating her author website for her at I took the time to interview her about her book.

What inspires your writing?

Life. I am moved by significant events in my life and the life of those around me. Writing about those experiences and working through different outcomes is what inspires my writings. As humans, we naturally think through what-ifs and daydream. For me that daydreaming and trying to visualize a world different than the path I took can open doors to another story.  

What is your process of developing characters?

I write biographical fiction therefore the characters’ relatability is imperative for the success of the book. I spend time developing storyboard for each of the main character of the book and their relationship.

Did you Start with a story outline or did you make it up as you went along?

It is a combination of both. I spend time developing the characters and their relationship, but I do not outline the entire book.

How much research did you need for your story?

Can I Borrow Your Skin is based in a time period and in an area in the world that I am quite familiar so I did not have to research those aspects of the book.

What researching methods did you use?

I did research some of the sporting event scores and schedules using the internet.

Did you draw on personal experience?

Absolutely! I definitely included elements of my own life in the book. We, as authors, do write what we know and I know my own experiences the best.

How did your publish?

I have a friend that owns a publishing company. He mentored me through the publishing process.

Why did you do it that way?

It was cost-effective and never felt like I was going at it alone.

How long did it take to land representation?

It was instantaneous for me once I reached out to him.

What advice would you have for writers looking to publish the way you published?

Contact Shawn at, his is an excellent author, speaker, and mentor.

Who did your cover and marketing?

Shawn’s team did my cover based on my ideas. I marketed the book based on the advice received from Shawn.

Did you use beta readers? How did you secure them?

I did. I reached out to a group of authors and subject-matter experts that I knew.

How many revisions did it take to get a publishable book?


What do you think readers that have never experienced situations like your protagonist will gain from reading your story?

How to love themselves. The protagonist spends so much of her time adapting and in so doing she feels as if she is losing herself. Persons reading my book will hopefully walk away from the book thinking to themselves that it is OK to not be perfect and that trying to be what everyone expects of you will have you in a situation where you are never who you know yourself to be.

What are you writing now?

The sequel to Can I Borrow Your Skin

What is your advice to other writers?

Embrace the process! Allow yourself to enjoy the experience.

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